Complaints in hospital

by Premier Living


The place to register a complaint in the public hospital or Centro de saúde is Gabinete utente (GU)

Each main health centre in the NHS has it but smaller centres may have restricted facilities or may refer the complaint to the main centre in the municipality. The GU has the following functions: 

  • To inform users about their rights and duties regarding health services 
  • To receive complaints and suggestions about the operation of the services or the behaviour of professionals 
  • To transcribe oral complaints about services and professionals when users cannot do so

To file a complaint you can of course also use the Complaint book. The complainant will always be informed of the decision on the complaint.

According to the law, private health facilities are not part of the NHS but they are still required to have internal regulations authorized by the Ministry of Health, which also grants the operating license.

In the quality of services and care the private sector user has the same rights and obligations as in the public sector. The quality standards must be the same. In this instance, any complaints should be referred to the Health regulatory Authority ERS

The ERS regulates and oversees the public and private health care sector and makes a complaints book available on its portal, where you can file a complaint in English as well



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