Change in format of license plates in Portugal

by Premier Living


The Portuguese government has passed a law that affects the number and car license plate format that will come into force in four months. The new Portuguese license plates will consist of two groups of letters and two central digits (AA-01-AA). Within four months, the current two-digit, two-letter, two-digit model (00-AA-00) will be discontinued.

, “This change introduces some technical adjustments in license plates, adapting them to the new character combinations and adopting a format that simplifies their production, harmonising the Portuguese model with that of most European Union member states,” states the notice from the Cabinet.

“In addition, the system for issuing, revalidating, replacing, duplicating and exchanging national and foreign driver’s licenses has been modified, which can now be delivered to Espaços Cidadão. On the other hand, the period of exchange of non-EU driving licenses goes from 90 days to two years, in accordance with the regime established for revalidation for the expiration of Portuguese driving licenses,” the document notifies.

A source from the Terrestrial Mobilities Institute (IMT) states, quoted by the Portuguese ‘Jornal de Negócios’, that “the current series of enrollments still allows the allocation of around 170,000 new enrollments, which may correspond to about four months, depending on the pace of issuing new license plates”.

According to the publication, in recent months between 20,000 and 30,000 cars were sold per month, and other vehicles, such as motorcycles, have also been registered.

The new license plate model (AA-01-AA) will allow assigning around 28 million registrations and will only affect new vehicles.



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